Continuing our penetration into security conscious and regulated verticals, we recently won a global contract from a leading financial services company with offices worldwide. After having evaluated many enterprise file security and digital rights management solutions over many months, the company selected Vaultize.

The primary requirement of the company was to fortify corporate data while allowing employees to gain access from anywhere (even beyond the corporate network) including their BYOD devices – and everything without losing control over data required for compliance and ensuring data governance practices.
Vaultize met their requirement of protection of confidential data even beyond coroporate boundries – while at-rest, in-motion and in-use – while allowing friction-less secure sharing and collaboration for employees. It provided policy-based IT controls on shared files throughout the life cycle with enterprise rights management with ability to track where critical data is going. Enterprise Digital Rights Management (eDRM) controls are embedded within shared documents making it possible to track and control access.
The company’s Director of IT says - “Being a trusted name in the financial industry, we want to ensure a secure and trusted solution for file sharing between different offices and with external users. Vaultize with its Rights Management with patented Vault KNOX technology ensures that the data remains safe even on the public Internet. I strongly recommend Vaultize for companies looking for a secure file sharing solution."
You can download a full case study from here.
Try Vaultize by sending an email at “sales at Vaultize dot com” or submitting a request for a FREE Trial. Vaultize is scalable cloud-architected enterprise file security platform for secure file sharing, VPN-free anywhere access and mobile collaboration with built-in digital rights management (DRM) and mobile content management (MCM). It is built ground-up with enterprise control and unmatched end-to-end security to protect data without hampering end-user productivity – even when the users are roaming beyond the corporate perimeter. In addition to enterprise file sync and share (EFSS) or Enterprise-Dropbox (Dropbox Alternative), some of Vaultize’s popular use cases include FTP Replacement, Outlook attachment replacement and Lotus Notes attachment replacement, which help meet compliance and data governance objective.